Stem cells that kill

Times pg 38, April 24 2006
I am fascinated by this new advancement in science which could have found a potential cure for cancer. Recently it has been discovered that only a small percentage of cancerous tumours are made up of dangerous cancer cells, the rest of the tumour is made up of relatively harmless cells some of which are called cellular noise. Those few cancer cells are the root of the problem of cancer and if they can be destroyed, the cancer can be cured. Although scientists still have not found a way to directly get rid of those cancer cells in tumour, at least they have found the root cause of cancer and this discovery could lead to new ways of treatment and a possible cure. I myself am glad that people have come a step closer to completely getting rid of the problem of cancer, and it would not be a surprise to me if in the future a cure will be found, and cancer will no longer be treated as the dreaded, killer illness, but only one of secondary importance and will be treated on the same level as that of a cold. This new discovery of cancer tumours has given cancer patients a new lease of hope, and hopefully they can be given a new lease of life too.
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