Cleft lip woes
The Sunday Times-Lifestyle pg L10, 20th Aug 2006
Nowadays, there is an increase in the number of babies born with cleft lips. This has led to many parents being worried and sad as having cleft lips is not only unsightly but it has many complications as well. I am sad to hear of this as i feel sorry for both the parents and the baby. Also, the cause of this condition is not known and so there is no way to prevent it yet. However, i am glad that with today's advance medical care and treatment such as plastic surgery, most cleft lip conditions can be corrected almost perfectly without scarring, if not corrected to look better. Knowing that medical science and technolgy today has become so advance and can help improve the lives of people makes me feel just estatic. As now these babies that were born with cleft lip are given a second chance to lead a normal life. I know that people with cleft lips would feel inferior as they would attract alot of stares from passer-bys. I just hope that everyone could learn to be more considerate and compassionate by not staring at these cleft lip people and giving them their own space, and a chance to be treated just like everyone else. Hopefully doctors will be able to find the cause of this cleft lip condition and help prevent it in the future.